Blue Earth is a small town in southern Minnesota, named for the color of the riverbed clay found in the aptly named Blue Earth River that passes through the town. It is also known for the fertile farmland found throughout the entire region. Not surprising, the vegetable company, Green Giant, has its headquarters not far from here. Travelers who passed through in earlier decades were given three things: a sample of locally grown peas, a sample of locally grown corn, and a sample of the Blue Earth River clay. They were then interviewed about what brought them to the area. More often than not, the reply was to look for the Jolly Green Giant. With its history steeped in farming, the quests of the passing tourists, and a local Green Giant cannery, the residents of Blue Earth built a statue of the Jolly Green Giant as part of the ceremony to open Interstate 90, the first transcontinental highway in the country. When The Wild Images Team visited the statue, our Coordinator, Christina, took a moment to have her picture taken as the Jolly Green Giant. The Wild Images Team has captured many other photos throughout downtown Chicago, including the blue skyscrapers of The Grant and One Museum Park, which is available for sale in our store. Blog posts from Chicago have documented the view of the Wabash Avenue elevated train, the ornate art deco brown buildings of old town Chicago, the interesting curious foxes of the small green space, when The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina sat at the stone desk, the hidden colorful fire escape framed by trees, the day The Wild Images Team finally found the heart of Chicago, the moment when giant headless zombies took over Grant Park, and at the head of the Navy Pier where sits the bronze sculpture Captain On The Helm. Blog posts from the nearby state of Minnesota include the moment that The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina becomes the Jolly Green Giant, the moment that The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina becomes the Little Green Sprout, and a scene of The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina underneath a life size Jolly Green Giant. Blog posts from the somewhat nearby state of Texas include the art created by the line of sunken monuments at Cadillac Ranch and the textures created by thick layers of paint covering the monuments at Cadillac Ranch. A blog post from nearby state of Missouri includes the Route 66 sign of The Uranus Fudge Factory.
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