
The Best Fudge Comes From Uranus, The Fudge Factory And Sideshow Museum In Uranus

The Best Fudge Comes From Uranus! Welcome To Uranus! These are some of the slogans of the Uranus Fudge Factory and Sideshow Museum, a tourist attraction that is still continuously being built up along Interstate-44, in the remote middle of Missouri near the small town of St. Robert, with a population of just over 6000 people. The Wild Images Team visited Uranus just a few weeks ago on our way across the country, and we were drawn in by the large neon sign as seen in this image. We spent a few hours there, visiting the sideshow museum with its display of curiosities and circus acts while waiting for the conditions to be best for photography of its neon sign. We also visited the fudge factory, and purchased a half dozen different flavors of fudge. While we are not necessarily fudge connoisseurs, we have purchased fudge from several different locations during our travels, and this fudge has been our favorite so far. The staff members are super friendly, and greet everyone who passes through the door with a loud “Welcome To Uranus!” It is well worth the time to stop off for a visit, and we will do so again the next time we pass through. Well, we did eventually find the sun and the sky cooperating in the right conditions to capture a few images around the exterior. Here the polarized lighting from the sun and the background sky darkened by heavy water bearing clouds combine to draw out the neon effect of the sign even though it is still the middle of the day in full sunlight. These are some of the many tricks we have learned through experience over tens of thousands of shots. The Wild Images Team has captured many other photos throughout somewhat nearby Chicago, including the blue skyscrapers of The Grant and One Museum Park, which is available for sale in our store. Blog posts from Chicago have documented the view of the Wabash Avenue elevated train, the ornate art deco brown buildings of old town Chicago, the interesting curious foxes of the small green space, when The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina sat at the stone desk, the hidden colorful fire escape framed by trees, the day The Wild Images Team finally found the heart of Chicago, the moment when giant headless zombies took over Grant Park, and at the head of the Navy Pier where sits the bronze sculpture Captain On The Helm. Blog posts from the somewhat nearby state of Minnesota include the moment that The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina becomes the Jolly Green Giant, the moment that The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina becomes the Little Green Sprout, and a scene of The Wild Images Team Coordinator Christina underneath a life size Jolly Green Giant. Blog posts from the somewhat nearby state of Texas include the art created by the line of sunken monuments at Cadillac Ranch and the textures created by thick layers of paint covering the monuments at Cadillac Ranch. A blog post from the state of Missouri includes the Route 66 sign of The Uranus Fudge Factory.

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